Friday, April 1, 2011

Trust me, I am NOT a Doctor.

As I sit here writing this- I am trying not to throw up.  This is directly connected with how I am the worst wife ever. (You will understand this connection in a second)

Last night, Mark really wanted to go to this event thrown uptown that showcased a lot of DogFishHead beers that we haven't tried yet. So, we went. My knee and ankle have both been killing me, so I was being a bit of a baby and complained that we'd have to walk all the way to the Brown line for the El, and take it 40 minutes to this random bar. But, I thought that it would be nice to go, and I wanted to be nice to Mark since he has been in a lot of pain since his surgery. So we walk there, and take the el, and my foot is killing me so I insist that for the way back we take a cab. Mark protested because he said it would hurt him to sit for the fifteen minute cab ride (which I basically snubbed).  It hurts him to sit because he had a deep cyst removed a week and a half ago from his lower back. Well, we ended up taking the cab and I felt SO bad because Mark was in a TON of pain the entire time. 

But... I am the worst person ever and wanted him to explain to me why it hurt to sit, yet it didn't hurt when the El jerks left and right. So Mark was rightfully pissed at me because he thought I was accusing him of making up his pain (which I was not intentionally). Which brings us to today...

Today is the first day that I have to "change his wound" as instructed by his doctor. This I have to do once a day for at least two weeks. So I thought, you know, no biggie, just some gauze here, hydrogen peroxide there, baddabing-baddaboom. Done. Uh... no.

For those of you who don't know me well- I am VERY squeamish. And this "wound" I was picturing in my head was like a one inch long little incision. In actuality, this wound is a three inch CAVERNOUS hole. I almost died. And by died, I mean puked. I feel like such an awful human being for thinking he had less of an intense surgical procedure. But like I said, trust me, I am not a doctor.

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