Thursday, April 21, 2011

Drama Queen

Okay, so my last post was super mopey and dramatic- my apologies. Passover actually went really well for Mark and I. We had our own goofy version complete with reading an online haggadah and our faux seder plate. If you are wondering, the faux seder plate had: a piece of matzo, an apple (our charoset), srirachya sauce (maror), asparagus with salt on it (like the salt water w/ parsley) , an egg, and one of bella's bones (paschal lamb bone). We actually had a blast and I spent an HOUR cooking. Yes, that was record breaking for me, and I don't think I will be doing it again for a long time. And, Mark put out a wine glass for Elijah that someone actually drank. Messiah perhaps?

On another note, three things I am happy about right now:
1. Seeing Water for Elephants on Sunday
2. Emily and Mike moving to Chicago!
3. Bowling with Co-worker Emily and her fiance Scott on Saturday night

A quick snippet of my stupidity of the day... I have to take several medicines to treat my (six months late diagnosis of) sinusitis. Two of which say "take with food." None of which I saw this until my stomach was killing me and I grabbed the containers to check. Now who's winning?

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