Sunday, April 24, 2011


Well Mark and I had a pretty entertaining weekend. And I still have two days left of mine (yes, I do suck).

Last night we went with my co-worker, her fiance, and their two friends to dinner and bowling.  We had a great time, and got to drive through some neighborhoods we hadn't seen yet. We are now really into the neighborhood known as "Lakeview." It is kind of a mini hipster version of Lincoln Park, with a million cute hole-in-the-wall places. We ate dinner there at this place called Wishbone, which was okay. After a really fun dinner, we drove to Ravenswood, a neighborhood that is far North and really neighborhood-y (if that makes any sense).

There we went bowling. Or tried. This bowling alley was bought in the 1960s and probably hasn't been touched since 1970. We had manual written scoring and a reggae band performing. Super funny/ghetto/70s flashback. I was by far the worst bowler of the group, and maybe even the entire alley. I went between throwing the ball in the air to throwing it granny-style, and both ways did not work well for me. Mark on the other hand had good form, but would kick his leg into the ball machine every time he bowled... and that was pretty funny. Somehow I had remembered bowling as being more fun in general, but then again I haven't bowled in years.

On a different note, I have been spring shopping, and selling my stuff on ebay like crazy. Because THIS is what my closet currently looks like:

Not cool. And this is what it looks like with half of it in the laundry and/or being sold. Guess I need a bigger closet!

Oh, and today Mark and I went to this well-known brunch spot, "yolk" and then went to see Water for Elephants. Both the food and the movie were great. Mark even liked it. I loved the book, so I loved the movie even more with some R-Patz to look at. I highly recommend going to see the movie. More to come after part two of my 4 1/2 day weekend!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Drama Queen

Okay, so my last post was super mopey and dramatic- my apologies. Passover actually went really well for Mark and I. We had our own goofy version complete with reading an online haggadah and our faux seder plate. If you are wondering, the faux seder plate had: a piece of matzo, an apple (our charoset), srirachya sauce (maror), asparagus with salt on it (like the salt water w/ parsley) , an egg, and one of bella's bones (paschal lamb bone). We actually had a blast and I spent an HOUR cooking. Yes, that was record breaking for me, and I don't think I will be doing it again for a long time. And, Mark put out a wine glass for Elijah that someone actually drank. Messiah perhaps?

On another note, three things I am happy about right now:
1. Seeing Water for Elephants on Sunday
2. Emily and Mike moving to Chicago!
3. Bowling with Co-worker Emily and her fiance Scott on Saturday night

A quick snippet of my stupidity of the day... I have to take several medicines to treat my (six months late diagnosis of) sinusitis. Two of which say "take with food." None of which I saw this until my stomach was killing me and I grabbed the containers to check. Now who's winning?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Clicking my heels

Today is just one of those days that I want to be home.  Tonight is the first night of Passover, and while I am really not a religious person, I am really sad about it all of a sudden. Mark and I were invited to attend a seder with one of my co-workers, but I was afraid it would be a bit forced and uncomfortable. In the end, I am happy with that decision not to go, because I realize now that it's the family aspect I am upset about. Mark and I will be making a Passover Dinner per se, but I am no cook, and it will definitely not be the real deal. Not to mention that I did the shopping for this dinner only a few hours ago.

Additionally, I have two and a half days off work for the holiday since I work for a Jewish organization. You would think I would be thrilled about this, but I am realizing (three hours into my days off) that I am going to be so bored and lonely.

Today, I also finally went to the orthopedist about my jankity left knee. Apparently they couldn't just give me a cortisone shot to stop the pain, but I have to go to physical therapy twice a week. I've never done PT before, but fitting it into my lunch hour really wasn't ideal. I know I'm complaining a lot and people deal with much more than this all the time, but it's just one of those days that makes me miss home and my family. I'm wishing that I could click my heels as many times as it takes to there- even if it makes my knees more jankity.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A little weather tease

Last weekend was a really great time. Mark's parents were in town to visit, and we got to do some touristy things and go to a bunch of amazing restaurants. Saturday we went to the famous Oak Park, about a half hour drive from the city, where Frank Lloyd Wright has nearly fifty of his amazing homes and buildings. We went on his personal home and studio tour, which was incredibly interesting (particularly for Mark, the architecture buff). FLW had such an interesting story behind him, and I am finally reading this book about his life that is supposed to be great: "Loving Frank."

Speaking of reading, I finally finished Water For Elephants this week, and it was really a good book-- especially because I was picturing Robert Pattinson as the lead character since the movie comes out soon. ;)

On Sunday, after we dropped Mark's parents at the airport, Mark and I walked Bella to lake front trail again since it was in the EIGHTIES. Talk about amazing weather.
So I'm not sure what happened to that groundhog this year, but his shadow or non-shadow was completely wrong. Following a week of amazing weather, today was about 45 degrees and raining/windy. Thanks a lot Mother Nature.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Trust me, I am NOT a Doctor.

As I sit here writing this- I am trying not to throw up.  This is directly connected with how I am the worst wife ever. (You will understand this connection in a second)

Last night, Mark really wanted to go to this event thrown uptown that showcased a lot of DogFishHead beers that we haven't tried yet. So, we went. My knee and ankle have both been killing me, so I was being a bit of a baby and complained that we'd have to walk all the way to the Brown line for the El, and take it 40 minutes to this random bar. But, I thought that it would be nice to go, and I wanted to be nice to Mark since he has been in a lot of pain since his surgery. So we walk there, and take the el, and my foot is killing me so I insist that for the way back we take a cab. Mark protested because he said it would hurt him to sit for the fifteen minute cab ride (which I basically snubbed).  It hurts him to sit because he had a deep cyst removed a week and a half ago from his lower back. Well, we ended up taking the cab and I felt SO bad because Mark was in a TON of pain the entire time. 

But... I am the worst person ever and wanted him to explain to me why it hurt to sit, yet it didn't hurt when the El jerks left and right. So Mark was rightfully pissed at me because he thought I was accusing him of making up his pain (which I was not intentionally). Which brings us to today...

Today is the first day that I have to "change his wound" as instructed by his doctor. This I have to do once a day for at least two weeks. So I thought, you know, no biggie, just some gauze here, hydrogen peroxide there, baddabing-baddaboom. Done. Uh... no.

For those of you who don't know me well- I am VERY squeamish. And this "wound" I was picturing in my head was like a one inch long little incision. In actuality, this wound is a three inch CAVERNOUS hole. I almost died. And by died, I mean puked. I feel like such an awful human being for thinking he had less of an intense surgical procedure. But like I said, trust me, I am not a doctor.