Monday, December 27, 2010

Numero uno

I am very excited to be writing my very first blog post EVER. So, with that... welcome to "New Girl in Chi-town" where you will be able to follow my move from DC (Maryland suburbs) to Chicago, and all of the obstacles/excitement that come with that life change.

A little background:
- My husband, Mark, and I have only been to Chicago one time before we decided to move there, and that was over the summer.
- We are not moving there for any "real" reason; ie: family, new job, etc. We essentially just decided randomly that we wanted to move.
- We do not have an exact move date yet, but think it will be the end of February or early March 2011.
- Coming with us to Chicago, other than a truckload of stuff, will be our shih-chon Bella.

So far, our progress has mostly consisted of upsetting our families, who both live close to our current home, but we are thinking/hoping we will have more news soon.