Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Explosion of Stress

Well, the title for this post is just about the biggest understatement ever for this past week and a half.

First, my husband had a minor surgery and has been incapacitated and on some nice pain pills. Thus, I have had twice the household responsibilities. I'm not complaining- I wouldn't want him to further hurt himself and/or delay his recovery. All I mean is that I have twice the cleaning and dog walking, and I'm being a poor sport about it all.

Second, my first big event at work is TOMORROW night and yesterday and today at work have been probably my two least favorite work days ever. Ever. Yes, there has been a lot of stress, like the normal kind that comes from planning any event. But... let's just say someone I work with has been incredibly horrible to work with, and everyone in the office wants to kill them. I will keep it at that to cover my butt. So today was definitely the worst day I've ever had at any work establishment. And that includes my very first job as a thirteen-year-old holiday greeter at Montgomery Mall when the Santa Clause made a pass at me. But yes, today was worse.

Third, I found out this morning (while at work dealing with the difficult individual) that an old camp friend passed away earlier in the day from essentially natural causes. Then I started to break down at my desk. Like hyperventilating break-down. I think it was the shock of another person my age dying (and someone so sweet), the horror that I heard it amidst everything going on right then in my office, and the knowledge of all the things I still needed to accomplish today that caused me to shut down. So let's just say it was a two-anxiety-pill day. I probably should have upped it to five. 

Anyway, I have had a very love-hate relationship with my life in Chicago these past two days... mostly due to stress. Hopefully I will have less on my shoulders after our event tomorrow night.

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