Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hallo-weiner circle (yeah - only Chi people will get that)

After a particularly mind-numbing week and a half I am trying to be positive and hope that I can be... for at least the rest of the week.

Last week was just a slow week in general, and my flare-up with my back did not help things much. Plus I have some sort of weird insomnia going on where I can't fall asleep til at least 1am, and wake up inexplicably at 5 or 6am. I am running on fumes at the moment.

I spent Friday night and part of Saturday laying down and getting some rest. Also got to catch up on my reading list. I cranked out "the Wedding Girl" and "The hunger games" all by last night. Woo. So Saturday night, instead of being the cool kids like we used to be (sort of), Mark and I didn't do anything Halloweeny, and opted for a nice dinner at an intimate restaurant. To be honest, that was better in a lot of ways. Dressing up and going to bars kind of takes me back to my college days, and somehow I feel like I'm too old for it, or over it, or something. Of course I did get sad that I didn't dress up and go out when I saw all my friends cute pictures.

The next morning, we drove around Lincoln Park in a semi house-hunting kind of way, and then met up with Emily and Mike for brunch. It was nice because we went to one of the Original Pancake Houses here, and that was a nice reminder of home. Even though the decor looked absolutely nothing like the ones back in Maryland, it made me feel a little less homesick.

So I was kind of a party pooper this Halloween, but on the bright side- Bella did dress up. And she was the cutest Chicago-style-hotdog ever.

It was fun last night handing out candy to the adorable trick-or-treaters... even if we only got fifteen of them. They were all in love with Bella and her outfit, and one cute little four-year-old kept saying "I love his hot dog!" which was really cute/funny. I love the kiddies.

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