Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And suddenly... it's Fall!

After a week of both Mark and I being sick, we were back with a vengeance.

On Saturday we went with a bunch of our friends to see Guster at Ravinia. The concert was amazing, and they were even better than I remembered them being five years ago. It was such a fun night. Good music, good company, good snacks/drinks.

On Sunday Mark and I walked around all of Lincoln Park to get a better idea of where we would like to look for homes. We definitely know what area we like, and are hoping we can find something in that area sometime soon! Later that night, my friend Shira came to visit while on her crazy tour across the country, working. It was so nice to see her. I love being with high school friends, and anyone I've known that long; it brings you back to reality having someone who knew you when.

Monday was Labor Day and we did the brunch thing. We had originally planned on being at the beach that day, however, Mother Nature decided that Chicago only functions between hot and cold...not in between. So it was 65 degrees and the beach was a no-go. We relaxed, then went to The Whiskey Bar, then to dinner at Tavern on Rush, where the lovely (just kidding) Reverend Jesse Jackson was at the table next to us. I'm not a big fan, so it wasn't exactly a celebrity sighting.

Later this week, Mark's oldest friend Danny is visiting on his way to California. He is moving there and we are the stopping point. It's always so nice to see everyone.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like such a great time. There's definitely something about seeing and hanging out with people from high school. Can you believe it's been 6 years? ACK. I cannot wait for reunions. :)
