Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The stars and stripes

This past week, my friends Emily and Mike came to stay with us before their move to the city. We had lots of fun going to restaurants and such.

We also had dinner on Sunday night with some neighbors of ours. They went above and beyond making dinner for us, and their apartment is so nice. I was like "how are these units in the same building?" I had a bit of apartment envy.

For July 4th, Mark and I went to Oak Street Beach and the restaurant there, which was so much fun. It felt just like Ocean City, and gave me that much-needed beach feeling.

So pretty.

Then we got to watch the fireworks that night that took place over Navy Pier. It was so nice to see them over the water.

I went from loving-my-country Independence Day, to hating-our-legal-system Casey Anthony verdict day.

I got pretty invested in the Casey Anthony trial, and was soooo sure that after all the circumstantial evidence, she would be charged with murder, and at the very least manslaughter. So imagine my surprise as I'm watching the live feed on my computer, and they say not guilty for the two most important charges against her. I literally was sick to my stomach. Were these the twelve dumbest people from the state of Florida? I understand the whole concept of reasonable doubt, but I also believe that only goes to an extent. When someone (especially an innocent child) is CLEARLY murdered, it should not matter how or why. Ultimately, what should matter, is that the person committing the crime is brought to justice, and that is not what happened. If Casey Anthony did not murder Caylee, then who did? Who else had any motive? Who else was partying and got a tattoo and made up fake information to law enforcement during the time she was "missing"? It shouldn't matter that the prosecution cannot be 100% sure what the cause of Caylee's death was, because they were certain it was a homicide. Her body was dumped in a bag, with duct tape over her nose and mouth. Explain that people. Now they are going on a man hunt to find a person that does not exist: a killer that isn't Casey.

There shouldn't have been a huge celebration in the courtroom by the defense, because even if they won the case, a little girl was killed. People go to jail for DUIs and other much more minor infractions for longer than Casey Anthony will. Sorry, but there is no way in hell that she was not involved in her daughter's death.

Sorry to vent- it's just so heart-breaking. One can only hope that like OJ, karma will catch up with her.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't follow the case too far, but I have read an article or two about it and it truly makes me sick. If she didn't kill Caylee she absolutely knows who did. One of the jurors came out to the media today and basically said that they don't know whether or not she killed her daughter, but because the persecution didn't specify how Caylee was killed that there wasn't enough evidence to convict. It's so frustrating. If it makes you feel any better, Casey is going to live in some sort of walking prison for the rest of her life...and then there's always karma.

    On a lighter note--looks like you had a lovely 4th! I hope all is well :)
