Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wall poses, bridesmaids, and more.

Following a particularly stressful week, this weekend was very relaxing so far. I guess relaxing is necessary though when it is 50 degrees and raining all weekend. Mark was gone through late Thursday night on a business trip, and it was nice having him back. Friday was pretty relaxed after we got home from work, and we just made dinner, popped a bottle of wine, and watched No Strings Attached. I had seen it in the theatres and loved it, so naturally I forced Mark to watch it with me.

Yesterday, I got up early and decided to go to Trader Joes. Choosing to do this is very different when you live in a city. You have to: get your car, drive there, find parking, etc.  Our parking garage in our building is "valet" style, which sounds great in theory, but it's not. You have to call down twenty minutes ahead of when you want to get your car, and have them bring it up. Nine times out of ten they have brought me the wrong car... even though I specifically say "the only car with Maryland plates." Apparently that's very confusing. So after waiting for the car twenty minutes in the garage, I try to drive to the store, but miss the turnoff. For those of you that are unfamiliar with Chicago, there are several one way streets, and once you get so far, it can be very hard to get back to that spot. It's pretty comical actually, when I'm rushing to get to the store and have to cross the river and re-cross the river and make all these last minute turns. I probably looked like a drunk driver.

Then later that night, we went to this restauarnt supposedly owned by Jeremy Piven called Rockit. It was really good,they decor was really pretty, and the menus were made of old vinyl records. Really cool. And since it was pouring when we got out, we hopped over to the movies and saw Bridesmaids, which was hilarious. Props Kristen Wiig and Judd Apatow! I am such a movie and tv nerd.

This morning I got up early again to go to yoga. I got an amazing Groupon for ten yoga classes for $39. Talk about a steal! I usually just do yoga in the apartment, but this was too good to pass up. I really enjoyed my first class there, as I got to learn some new poses and try "forrest" yoga. Very relaxing. The rest of the day we are just hanging out. I have a big work event tomorrow that I've been working on, and am ready to get it over with. Really wish the weekend wasn't ending though!

1 comment:

  1. Steve and I were going to see Bridesmaids this weekend, too but we ended up staying home. Boo! :( I really need to start doing yoga or Pilates regularly... my new workout routine involves a ~3 mile walk each evening, but I feel like yoga would be wonderful as well.
