Tuesday, February 8, 2011

All in a few days' work!

Wow. I have so much to update on. Where to start? ...

So Mark and I had our whirlwind few days in Chicago. All day Thursday was spent running around the city with Mark's cousin who is our Realtor, looking at apartments. To say this was a stressful day is a major understatement. First off, Chicago was dumped with two feet of snow only ten hours prior to our arrival. While that city is amazing at cleanup, there were random mountains of snow everywhere and every few blocks you got a boot full of ice. 

So anyway, after day one we were not sold on any apartment in particular. That night I had a panic attack about the move and about how we had no where to live, and essentially very few people to lean on there. After several tears on my part, a trip to Nordstrom on Michigan Ave., and a phone call to my mom, I was a little more at ease.

Friday morning Mark went to meet with his new office-mates and I had my interview at The Ritz. The job is not to work at the Ritz, just the interview was there, but I thought that was pretty cool. Apparently they have a lot of their events there. Ironically, after the interview, Mark and I found our apartment, one block away.

So... now we are closing our lease on an 11th floor teeny (for us) apartment (but we aren't used to city living). And I just accepted a job offer from the one I interviewed for on Friday!

Needless to say, we are knee-deep in paperwork of all kinds, and I am about to be crazy from all the things I need to do for our move in THREE WEEKS. It seems like we were in Chicago weeks ago when in fact we only got back 2 days ago. Weird.

p.s. I saw the mom from "Little People Big World" at O'Hare! I think it's cool.

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